Olipa opiskelija miltä kouluasteelta tahansa, on tervettä siinä vaiheessa suunnata katse maailmalle. Tarpeeksi maailmaa nähtyään, voi jonain päivänä huomata, ettei se kotikylä ole sen hullumpi paikka kuin muutkaan. Nettikeskustelussa taivasteltiin maaseudun sosiaalista- ja kulttuurityhjiötä. No, kokemuksesta kerron, ettei ole tullut aika pitkäksi. Jopa niin, että tapahtumaköyhä päivä tuntuu luksukselta ja saunan lämmitys juhlalta. Eipä oo valittamista!
The rural policy committee had found out that most of the university students don’t want to return to rural district. It would be nice to read the whole report, but I have just followed the discussion in the Net. I was surprised to hear that almost 40 % of the students think of coming back. I hope we have enough jobs for them.
This report only shows the common sense of the students; it is time to see the world and to get experiences. And maybe after some years you’ll see that all parts of the Maslow’s pyramid are achievable in the countryside as well.Comments about nonexistent social and cultural life (in periphery) in the Net discussion amused me. Sometimes after a busy week a boring day with sauna is luxury!