-Onko tässä jottain myrkyllistä?
Vielä pitempi katse.
-Eikö minä katon vaan, että syökkönä ite tätä.
Joopasejoo :)
Today we had an intensive eye contact at the lunch table. If we were younger, it could have been exciting, but at this age I already knew what he was up to. I had made a wild herb salad for the first time this summer.
-Is there something poisonous in this salad?
Even a longer glance.
-I just want to see that you are eating this too.
In the movies this could be a hostage situation, in Finland this is marriage :)
Kuulostaa tutulta!:D
VastaaPoistaHeh, söi sitten ja arveli jopa terveellistä olevan.